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Why do the world's top investment banks attend?


For banks who hold high grade credit at the center of their strategy, this is your inner circle


Show your commitment to the high-grade credit market

The Global Borrowers and Bond Investors Forum is the place for the top investment banks to see and be seen by the leading issuers and investors.  Demonstrate your commitment to this growing community and make it clear you are well positioned to be their banking partner of choice

Meet all your global issuer clients in one place

There's no need to globe-trot, or indeed endure London traffic.  This is the inner circle. Join us in the calm oasis of the stunning Landmark Hotel where you can meet global issuers and investors, gather market intelligence and build your network with the best names in the high grade credit world.

Strengthen  connections & build meaningful relationships

This is the most effective two days of the year to nurture your global issuer connections.  Reconnect with old friends and turn acquaintances into new potential clients.  It all happens in The Landmark inner circle.

Don't be the only bank notable in your absence

This is the largest gathering of high grade issuers in the world.  Every leading investment bank is expected to be there meeting their clients.  Don't be the only key bank not there- your absence will be noted by clients and other banks will be building the connections you should be making!

Meet the people who aren't in your network yet

It's easy to arrange meetings with who you know but how do you meet the people not yet on your radar?  Serendipitous meetings over coffee, discussing the inspiring speakers on stage, joining interactive champagne working groups and utilizing the networking app are all designed to connect you to the people you don't know yet.

Make sure the industry knows what you do best

Take center stage and tell the high grade credit what makes you stand out.  What do you want to be known for?  Is it a specific product, an amazing deal, extensive experience, regional expertise or overall market coverage?  Make sure the industry is in no doubt about what you bring to the table.  

How do global investment banks make the most of the Global Borrowers & Bond Investors Forum inner circle?


Line up alongside the best investment banks in the world as a Charter Sponsor

This high-status role is afforded to the top global investment banks only.  This positions you are the center of the market and gives you everything you need to make the biggest impact in two short days.  The charter package can include:

  •  A luxurious private meeting room located right in The Landmark inner circle.
  • Prestigious branding at the conference
  • The opportunity to be the bank inviting issuer and investor clients to join as YOUR guest for meetings and and conference sessions
  • The option to share your expertise on stage on a suitable session
  • The chance to bring your wider team to meet, network and experience the inner circle

Interested to find out if your bank is eligible for Charter Sponsorship?



NEW. Buy your ticket to the high grade credit inner circle

New for 2025.  We are opening the inner circle to investment banking individuals interested in joining the action.

Valuable benefits include the chance to:

  • Hear the conversations shaping the market on the most prestigious stage in the industry
  • Pick up on the mood of the industry - the conversations happening inside this forum give the most accurate gauge of market sentiment
  • Network with old friends and forge new connections during our interactive sessions, coffee breaks and in our dynamic networking zone
  • Use the conference app to see who's attending in advance, message and arrange a busy couple of days of meetings

Interested to join us? Tickets start at £1,750 +VAT. 



Take advantage of this year’s **new** special ticket rate for banks.  


