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Julien Marchand

Julien Marchand

Managing Director, Financial Markets, Head of Origination, FI/SSA, NORD/LB

Julien Marchand has been head of origination FI/ SSA at Norddeutsche Landesbank (NORD/LB) since June 2019. He joined NORD/LB’s DCM team in 2011 and was responsible for Nordic and French issuers. NORD/LB manages its entire DCM business from Hanover with covered bonds as one of the important cornerstones of the franchise with lead mandates in Europe, Asia and North America. The bank offers issuers not only access to international institutional investors but especially to German tier 2 and tier 3 accounts. Julien holds a diploma in business administration (Diplom Betriebswirt) from Freie Universität Berlin. In addition, he successfully completed a dual commercial training at Dresdner Bank in Berlin.

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