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George Richardson

George Richardson

Director, Capital Markets and Investments, World Bank

George Richardson, director of capital markets and investments at the World Bank Treasury, manages the World Bank’s funding and liquidity investments program in global capital and derivatives markets. His department also carries out the liability management programs, manages credit rating agencies and investor relationships, designs and implements market transactions to manage the risks on IBRD and IDA’s balance sheets, and develops and implements market solutions and transactions which bring risk management value to World Bank country clients. Before joining the World Bank, he was head of the sovereign, supranational, and agency capital markets coverage group at Goldman Sachs based in London. From this role, he and his team advised, structured and executed funding and asset-liability management transactions for the firm’s most important, strategic clients. Before entering the investment banking sector, he was a commissioned officer in the United States Navy and flew reconnaissance aircraft. He holds an MBA from Boston University, and degrees in finance from London Business School, and aeronautical engineering from the Ohio State University.

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